Majority of LAUSD English learners fail to meet state English and math requirements; families want change
Updated May 4 This article is part of a collaboration between The 74 and the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. The majority of English learner students in Los Angeles Unified district schools failed to meet state math and reading standards in the latest round of assessments, prompting parents to call for better communication...
By Rebecca Katz | May 3, 2022
Desperate for bilingual teachers? New paper says you should start with your classroom aides
I have all sorts of principles for guiding my thinking about education. But my grand, unifying theory, the thing that determines how all the other stuff hangs together, basically rests on two claims: 1) there are enormous systemic inequities built into American public education, and 2) the decentralization of U.S. political institutions makes rapid policy-driven...
By Conor Williams | June 3, 2016
Some races, English learners struggling with A-G standards but have come a long way
There is a wide gulf of disparity when it comes to the performance of races and subgroups in LA Unified’s A through G completion and graduation rates, but these groups have come a long way and are doing better than ever before. Recent district reports breaking down the graduation rate as it heads into the final...
By Craig Clough | April 29, 2016
Study finds change in California testing policy helped English learners in Los Angeles
Removing services for high school students learning English may have harmful effects on test scores and graduation rates if done too quickly, according to a study conducted in Los Angeles. The research, published in October in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, provides a cautionary note to policymakers hoping to swiftly move students to...
By Matt Barnum | February 18, 2016
Investigation: Nearly 1,000 Native Children Died in Federal Boarding Schools
Podcast: What a Mentorship Mindset Can Do for Student Motivation
Black and Hispanic Voters Say Democrats Aren’t Focused Enough on K-12 Education
Teen Activist Rhea Maniar on the Power of Abortion to Turn Out Young Voters
Report from charter group suggests English learners do better at charters
English learner students are performing better in charter schools than in traditional schools, according to a new report released by the California Charter Schools Association. The report, “Success for English Learners in Charter Schools,” found that throughout the state, independent charter schools are serving nearly 2 percent more English learner (EL) students than traditional schools....
By Mike Szymanski | July 7, 2015
Effort underway to eliminate CA schools’ English-only law
Since the late 1990s the debate over bilingual education in California has been, ¿como se dice . . . controversial? And it seems it’s an issue voters will be taking up again soon. State Senator Ricardo Lara of Bell Gardens, has proposed new legislation to overturn Proposition 227, a 1998 initiative that banned bilingual education in...
By Vanessa Romo | April 17, 2014