20,000 expected to ‘walk in’ at LAUSD schools Wednesday morning
More than 20,000 parents, students and teachers in LA Unified are expected to stage a “Walk-In” before school on Wednesday orchestrated by the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools to protest charter expansion and call for greater investment in public education. “We have coordinated this with the school district and the superintendent’s office,” said Alex Caputo-Pearl, president...
By Mike Szymanski | February 16, 2016
Most Teach For America Teachers Will End Up at Charters
Over the next couple of years, Los Angeles will see an influx of more than 700 teachers from Teach for America, a non-profit that recruits college graduates, trains them, and places them in public schools across the country. Most of them will end up in charter schools. Of the 340 teachers teaching in Los Angeles this...
By Hillel Aron | August 1, 2013