Morning Read: Heads of UTLA, CCSA square off in radio debate
LA School Report | March 22, 2016
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Growth of charter schools in California leads to conflict with school districts
The heads of UTLA and CCSA square off in a radio debate as charter advocates are seeking to double the number of students attending charter schools in California by 2022. KQED
- Oakland school district sued by charter group over access to facilities, San Jose Mercury News
- State board’s dilemma: How best to measure schools by using more than tests, EdSource
- Glendale schools first in U.S. to make Armenian genocide remembrance day an official holiday, Los Angeles Times
- Teach for America to cut national staff by 15 percent, Washington Post
- ‘If I was a parent… I would opt out’: New NY Regents Chancellor Betty Rosa comes out swinging, The Seventy Four