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What a strange and interesting first week back in school it’s been for LAUSD — starting three weeks before Labor Day but still a year that will be five school days shorter than last year. And we’re not even done with it yet.
The first day back, Tuesday, the district wanted to focus on the new buildings and new research suggesting that new construction helped raise achievement, but the press just wanted to watch folks head back into Miramonte. (Miramonte Elementary Teachers Return for Strange First Day Back at School LAWeekly)
The second day back was the beginning of the deportation deferral program Obama announced earlier this year — a potentially make-or-break option for thousands of LAUSD kids, graduates, and parents who swamped the LAUSD records office with requests for transcripts according to the Wall Street Journal.
The third day back — yesterday — the state legislature moved towards approving a new statewide teacher evaluation plan, which is sure to cause additional wailing and gnashing of teeth. Not that the wailing and gnashing ever really stopped.
If the rest of the school year is as busy and eventful as these first few days, we’re in for a long, potentially exciting year.