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While ballots are being cast in today’s LA Unified school board elections, here’s a quick look at how successful each candidate was in financial support through Feb. 25, according to the LA Ethics Commission.
The first list shows how much candidates received from individual donations. The second shows how much independent expenditure groups spent to help or hurt candidates.
Individual Contributions, with District
Richard Vladovic (7)
Bennett Kayser (5)
Andrew Thomas (5)
Euna Anderson (7)
George McKenna (1)
Tamar Galatzan (3)
Scott Schmerelson (3)
Ankur Patel (3)
Lydia Gutierrez (7)
Elizabeth Badger (3)
Filiberto Gonzalez (3)
Carl Petersen (3)
Political Action Committee Spending*
SEIU Local 99
* California Charter School Association (CCSA), for Galatzan, Rodriguez and Vladovic and against Kayser; United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), for Kayser and against Rodriguez; Great Public Schools LA (GPS:LA), for Galatzan and Rodriguez; SEIU Local 99, for Galatzan, Kayser, Vladovic