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The Associated Administrators of Los Angeles (AALA) elected a new president on March 19, with Juan A. Flecha winning 60.16 percent of the vote. Flecha beat Randall Delling, who received 39.84 percent, according to AALA’s newsletter.
Flecha will take office July 1 and will replace Judy Perez, who is retiring.
“He is currently assigned as Administrator of Operations in ESC North and has previously served as a secondary director/principal leader, high school principal and in other administrative assignments. Juan brings a wealth of experience to his position as AALA President and we are confident he will do a fine job being the voice for nearly 3,000 LAUSD certificated and classified administrators,” AALA’s newsletter said.
North Hollywood CyberPatriots
Team Azure from North Hollywood High fell just short of defending its national championship in the CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Defense Competition finals last week in Washington D.C., placing second.
The CyberPatriot competition is part of the CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Education Program, which was created by the Air Force Association to inspire high school students to pursue careers in cyber-security. Another team from North Hollywood High and one from Franklin High School were also in D.C. competing among the 12 finalists from around the nation.
All of the teams are part of the district’s after-school Beyond the Bell Program.
Inspirational teachers
The United Way of Greater Los Angeles last week held its second annual Inspirational Teacher Awards in a ceremony that was attended by LA Unified board members George McKenna and Monica Garcia.
Twenty-five teachers were honored, including Roxana Duenas from Roosevelt High School and Jason Torres-Rangel from UCLA Community School. The honorees were selected from over 150 nominations that were made by teachers, students and principals, according to the United Way. Click here to see photos from the event.
UCLA wins $2.5 million for innovation in teaching
And speaking of the UCLA Community School, UCLA was awarded $2.5 million this week from the state’s Department of Finance for its work to strengthen K-12 education through its UCLA Teaching Schools Initiative and the work of UCLA and its Graduate School of Education and Information Studies.
According to the Imperial Valley News:
The initiative launched six years ago with the opening of the UCLA Community School, a partnership between the UCLA and the Los Angeles Unified School District. UCLA faculty, staff and students work alongside teachers at the school to help ensure students are qualified to apply to a University of California campus. The school is the site of education research, and nurtures the development of new education strategies by UCLA professors and graduate students.
Click here to learn more about the UCLA Community School.