Adelanto official, parent charged with vandalism at ‘trigger’ school
LA School Report | December 16, 2013
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Photo: Daily Press
Via The Daily Press | By Brooke Self
ADELANTO — An Adelanto city official and another parent described as being upset about the successful parent takeover of Desert Trails Elementary School have been charged with felony vandalism for destroying a classroom at the campus.
Desert Trails was converted to a charter school at the beginning of the 2013-14 school year after a parent petition to implement the state’s controversial parent trigger law garnered a sufficient amount of support.
Lori Yuan and Chrissy Guzman reportedly damaged the classroom at the school by spraying ketchup and mustard on the carpet and walls of the room, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage, Adelanto Elementary School District board member Christine Turner said. The two were charged on Dec. 2, San Bernardino County court records show.
Read the full story here.