As California law looks to end remedial education, new studies show state’s community colleges showing uneven progress in adopting math & English reforms
California’s 115 community colleges are in the midst of a major transformation of how students are taught college-level math and English courses. A state law instituted a fall 2019 deadline for community colleges to largely end the practice of forcing students into remedial classes, which repeat coursework that students have already learned in high school....
By Mikhail Zinshteyn | October 21, 2019
Even as new polls show both teachers and parents demanding better data about their students, only 17% of educators say they’ve received data training in prep programs
Even as information about schools proliferates across the internet, a new set of polls shows that parents and teachers want more meaningful student data, capturing children’s relationships with education that go beyond just their grades or even time in school. Half of parents strongly agree and 43 percent somewhat agree that they support teachers’ using student...
By Mikhail Zinshteyn | October 7, 2019
Latest version of sweeping California charter school bill waters down original draft, is ‘setting the clock of progress way back,’ opponent says
California has more charter schools than any other state and has long served as a reliable source of growth for that sector of public education. But a sweeping bill, hammered out in a compromise last week between the governor and leaders of both legislative bodies, is likely to slow down expansion in the years ahead....
By Mikhail Zinshteyn | September 9, 2019
Report: As tuition rises, how private schools and microschools are working to increase access for low- and middle-income families
More than 5 million students in the U.S. attend 35,000 private K-12 schools, but recent changes to the types of schools that remain open mean there are fewer affordable options for low- and middle-income parents who want a private education for their children. Many Catholic schools, which historically have sought to educate students from low-...
By Mikhail Zinshteyn | August 7, 2019