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Brown-Munger Feud Worries Ed Advocates

Alexander Russo | October 11, 2012

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Yesterday we explained the unfortunate rift between ideological allies Jerry Brown and Molly Munger over Propositions 30 and 38, ballot initiatives that would increase education funding (Competing Ballot Initiatives Split Ideological Allies). Today’s news is that the conflict continues to heat up — and may only get worse between now and Election Day.

Late yesterday afternoon, the LA Times reported that the California State Superintendent of Education was calling on Munger to ease up on her criticism of Brown’s Prop. 30 (Schools chief urges Molly Munger to drop negative ads). Since then, the San Jose Mercury News has fact-checked Molly Munger’s attack ad against Prop. 30  and found it wanting (Anti-Prop. 30 ad is misleading because it implies it won’t help schools). The SF Gate has reported a  rift between Munger and her main ally, the state PTA (Trouble brewing between Munger, PTA). Last but not least, a parent advocate writing at EdSource called on Brown and Munger to get their act together lest voters become confused and neither ballot measure passes (A parent’s plea).

Brown’s Prop. 30 is polling ahead of Munger’s initiative, and if both initiatives won voter approval the one with higher approval would prevail.  But obviously Prop. 30’s backers are worried.

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