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Today’s just-arriving round of campaign contribution statements covers just the first 19 days of the year. (You can see a full list of city-wide candidates and their campaign contributions here.)
Based on the reports that have been uploaded thus far, we can tell you that sitting School Board President and District 2 Board Member Monica Garcia raised $14,095, bringing her total to $261,472 (see report here), with $105,084 left in the bank. Her opponent, Robert Skeels, raised just $170. That brings his total amount raised to $14,423, with $2,345 left in the bank.
District 4 School Board Member Steve Zimmer raised $3,185, bringing his total to $30,873 (see report here). He has just over $14,000 in the bank, but his campaign has more than $31,000 in debts.
District 6 candidate Monica Ratliff received $2,600, bringing her total to $9,462 (see report here). Marilyn Grunwald hasn’t raised any money this year (see report).
Check back again soon. We’ll update this post with additional totals as they become available.
Previous posts: Contribution Roundup: Who’s Giving to Whom?, Contributions / Spending Calendar*, Fundraising: Early Leads for Garcia, Anderson