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Coalition TV Ad Attacks Zimmer over Robert Kennedy School

Hillel Aron | February 11, 2013

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The Coalition for School Reform has unveiled a somewhat curious new 30-second TV ad for District 4 School Board challenger Kate Anderson. Titled “Talking Benches,” most of it is devoted to blasting incumbent Steve Zimmer. 

“Zimmer voted to fire 5,000 teachers,” says an incredulous narrator, “and cut basics like art and PE, while supporting the costliest building project in America [Robert Kennedy Community Schools].” (See script here.)

Zimmer has been criticized for many things in the past; the Robert Kennedy Community School has not been one of them. While expensive, the school has been held up as a model by LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy and other Board members.

The Coalition ad also attacks Zimmer for many of the same decisions made by District 2 incumbent (and School Board President) Monica Garcia, whom the Coalition is  supporting.

Coalition spokesperson Janelle Erickson emailed this response to LA School Report: “The Coalition for School Reform supports Monica Garcia for School Board because she has been a staunch advocate for school reform, while incumbent Board member Steve Zimmer has repeatedly attempted to block, stall and insert ‘poison pills’ in key reform initiatives.  The point of the TV ad is Zimmer’s Marie Antoinette-ish line ‘worth every penny.'”

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