Morning Read: Common Core computer tests begin this week
LA School Report | March 24, 2014
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Ready, set … California schools finally start new computer test this week
The new Common Core tests are one of the biggest transitions in state public education in recent memory. California schools have spent nearly two years preparing for this moment: buying computers, upgrading internet access and in some cases hiring extra IT workers. But parents shouldn’t worry too much. Results this year don’t count for schools or kids. KPCC
El Camino Real, Granada Hills Charters Headed to US Academic Decathlon
Los Angeles’ El Camino Real Charter High School is the winner of the 2014 California Academic Decathlon, officials in Sacramento announced Sunday. The school beat out 64 other schools in the weekend competition with a score of 57,747.3 out of a possible 65,400 points, officials said. NBC Local
Federal data finds non-white, disabled students disciplined more harshly
In a far-reaching national survey of how students of different races and students with disabilities are faring at school, the federal government reported Friday that widespread disparities exist in discipline practices, with students of color and students with disabilities subject to harsher penalties. EdSource
Legislators to state board: Consider changes to school funding rules
Non-profits and community groups that want to tighten the Local Control Funding Formula regulations to ensure more money will go to minority students have enlisted an influential ally: legislators. One quarter of the 120 members of the Legislature wrote to State Board of Education President Michael Kirst this week urging the board to adopt changes to the regulations that mirror what many of the advocacy organizations are recommending. EdSource
Schools serving as enrollment hubs for Obamacare
Sacramento high school student Juzely Duran is all in. So is state schools chief Tom Torlakson.Each in their own way is supporting the “All In for Health” campaign, a major effort aimed at using schools as a conduit for helping hundreds of thousands of uninsured students, parents and employees sign up for health benefits under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act. S&I Cabinet Report