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Michelle King, deputy to Superintendent John Deasy
Even before the LA Unified school board began discussing a possible buyout for Superintendent John Deasy, Tuesday night, one of his top deputies volunteered to take his place during a transition to new leadership.
While it might have appeared opportunistic to some, Michelle King, the deputy superintendent who offered to step in, explained in a brief statement late Wednesday that she was offering “to serve as a short-term bridge for continuity,” not as a full-time replacement.
King said, “My commitment to Superintendent John E. Deasy is resolute…My offer is solely to continue to serve our students by fulfilling our vision of graduating every youth ready for college and career.”
King began her career with the district as a health and science teacher and has gone on to serve as a school principal before being promoted to Assistant Superintendent of Health and Human Services and Deputy Chief Instructional Officer.
She is a product of LAUSD. King attended Windsor Hills Elementary School, Palms Junior High School and Palisades High School.
See her full letter here.