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Superintendent John Deasy
In a piece today in the Daily News, Barbara Jones writes that if Proposition 30 doesn’t pass, LAUSD says it would shorten the 2012-2013 school year by as many as 15 days, and the following school year by as many as 15 additional days.
But on Monday, Superintendent John Deasy told LA School Report that other cuts would be needed as well should Jerry Brown’s tax proposal be rejected by voters on Tuesday.
“School days are part of it, but that alone won’t do it,” he said.
In addition to shortening the year, school districts in financial straits sometimes shorten the school day, eliminate programs and positions considered non-essential, and negotiate pay and benefit reductions with employees.
Deasy declined to give specifics, saying only that he would present options to the school board at its already scheduled November 13 meeting.
“There will be a series of proposals the board will have to act on,” he said.