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The morning after California voters passed Proposition 30, which temporarily raises taxes to avoid further cuts to public education, LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy expressed gratitude in a written statement:

Superintendent John Deasy
“These funds will better equip us to provide a quality education to all LAUSD youth over the next several years and begin the road back to fiscal recovery. We look forward in the next several years to begin to restore some of the programs and valued employees, which were previously cut by the devastating fiscal situation in California.” (Read the whole statement here.)
Board member Steve Zimmer also sent a statement out: “There is hope on the horizon in Los Angeles this morning… Yesterday, voters convincingly told us they value public education.” (Read the whole statement here.)
The tax measure looked like it was headed for narrow defeat until votes from LA County finally began to be counted. In the end, LA County voters approved of Prop 30 by 20 percentage points, according to the Secretary of State’s website.