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District has positive response to latest teacher union proposal

Vanessa Romo | October 6, 2014

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UTLA LAUSD progressCould there be a hint of progress in negotiations between LA Unified and the teachers’ union, UTLA?

Negotiators for the district say they were encouraged by the union’s latest — and most comprehensive — contract proposal, which was submitted last week.

Vivan Ekchian, the district’s chief labor negotiator, told LA School Report, “I considered it progress since we had not been provided any specificity by UTLA until [Thursday’s] meeting.”

District officials and Superintendent John Deasy insisted for months that UTLA had failed to articulate, in writing, its demands despite the union’s assertions it had done so.

“I am equally excited in engaging UTLA in meaningful dialogue regarding the District’s proposals on compensation, wellness, performance, evaluations, operational efficiencies and parent empowerment,” Ekchian added.

The union is calling for a 10 percent raise for 2014-15, with the expectation of re-opening salary negotiations next year. That is a shift from UTLA’s previous demand of a 17.6 percent pay raise over the next two years, but still exceeds the district’s standing offer of a 6.64 percent salary increase over the next three years plus a one-time 2 percent bonus.

Other issues raised by UTLA included establishing maximums for class sizes, staffing levels, bolstering restorative justice programs, and improving charter school transparency.

The next bargaining session is scheduled for Oct. 9.


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