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As you may recall, Tuesday’s LA Times included an editorial calling for LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy to change the guideline he recently issued to principals that called for student achievement to be no more than 30 percent of a teacher’s evaluation. Thirty percent was perhaps too high a figure, according to the Times, and had been an unwelcome surprise to teachers.
There’s been no response yet from LAUSD — Superintendent Deasy has been in DC all week — but an LA School Report commenter who identifies herself as a concerned parent thinks that’s a horrible idea and calls on the teachers union to agree to 30 percent. “It is time for UTLA to treat the teachers it represents and the principals like professionals and embrace a meaningful evaluation.” The commenter goes on to cite a recent study that warns against giving student achievement too little weight. Read the full comment here, then tell us what you think.
Previous posts: Revamp Teacher Evaluation Plan, Says LA Times; Union Tells Teachers How to Protest Evaluations