High school student killed by truck as LAUSD closed due to threat
LA School Report | December 15, 2015
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A 17-year old male student at Los Angeles International Charter High School in Highland Park was struck and killed by a truck this morning as he was crossing a street near the school.
The death occurred after the LA Unified school district decided to close all its campuses this morning due to a threat of violence, although the school is not associated directly with the district and had its most recent charter application approved by the LA County Board of Education.
The school’s leadership decided to close down because it is near some LA Unified schools, the Los Angeles Times reported.
The school’s director of recruitment, Tony Torrres, told the Times that “the decision to close the school came very late. So people were still heading to school.”
The death occurred reportedly around 7:10 a.m. as the boy was crossing the street Avenue 60 and Figueroa Street and was hit by an LA city Bureau of Street Services truck, according to KTLA.