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Just-withdrawn District 6 candidate Iriz Zuniga
Iris Zuniga, who was running to replace School Board member Nury Martinez in the East Valley’s Distrct 6, has dropped out. She made the announcement on her campaign’s Facebook page earlier today:
“Over the past several months, many of you have encouraged me to run for the Los Angeles school board to represent the school children of the East San Fernando Valley,” the message read in part.
Zuniga, who works for the Charter operator YPI, was expected to be a strong candidate, and earned the endorsements of sitting School Board member Martinez, as well as State Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra (see: Latino Pols Endorse D6 Candidate Zuniga). But fellow D6 candidate Antonio Sanchez, swooped in and scooped up endorsements from three major interest groups: SEIU, the LA County Federation of Labor, and the Coalition for School Reform, as well as the teachers union.
Update: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has issued a statement about Zuniga’s withdrawal:
“Iris Zuñiga is one of Los Angeles’ true education reform leaders. First in her family to graduate high school and attend college, Iris represents what is right about our public education system. I have no doubt that she will continue to fight for parents, students and teachers to improve our local schools. Iris has a bright future ahead of her and I look forward to continuing our partnership and working together with the Youth Policy Institute in the years to come.”
Previous posts: Labor Groups Spend for Garcia & Sanchez, Reform Coalition Picks Garcia, Anderson & Sanchez, SEIU Endorses Garcia, Zimmer and Sanchez,