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How safe is your child’s sports field?
KCET recently took an in-depth look at “crumb rubber” synthetic fields and the recent reports of possible health hazards related to them.
The segment, which features interviews with parents, city officials, an LA Unified official and experts, focuses on parks in Los Angeles and at LA Unified that have crumb rubber fields, which is a substance made out of recycled rubber.
The issue has been in the news a lot lately after a report last year from NBC News revealed a possible cancer risk associated with the fields, and a new state senate bill was introduced, calling for a moratorium on new crumb rubber fields until more tests are completed.
The KCET segment includes an interview with Mark Hovatter, LAUSD’s chief facilities executive, who shares the district’s concern about the substance and plans to phase it out entirely. LA Unified stopped building new crumb rubber fields in 2009 and removed the substance from 54 preschools due to lead being discovered.
Click on the embedded link above or go here to see the episode.