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What would a monthly school board meeting be without at least one shot across the bow from one board member to another? According to the just-released morning agenda for the Tuesday January 15 meeting (see here), board member Marguerite LaMotte will introduce a resolution limiting the School board President’s term to two consecutive years.

School Board members Marguerite LaMotte and Steve Zimmer, posing after the Superintendent’s State of the Schools speech
Currently, the position of president is chosen by the 7-member school board and voted on every year.
The LaMotte resolution is likely a dig at current President Monica Garcia, who’s in the middle of her sixth consecutive year as president, and running for re-election in the Eastiside’s District 2. LaMotte and Garcia frequently argue with each other at board meetings.
Previous posts: Garcia wins sixth one-year term as L.A. Unified president, Board President Garcia Talks Policy & Politics, Watch: Fierce Debate Over Grant Application Veto, Board Members Aim to ‘Cuff Supt?, School Board Round-Up