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The Los Angeles Unified School District board unanimously approved a $1.1 million plan Tuesday to resolve class-scheduling issues at Jefferson High School in south L.A.
The issues have hundreds of seniors worried they may not graduate on time. The issues have hundreds of seniors worried they may not graduate on time. According to court documents, at least 48 seniors at the school are unable to attend classes they need in order to graduate.
Also, 204 juniors and seniors are assigned to classes they’ve already passed. The students say they have far too much free time on their hands. Some students claim they sit in the auditorium, assigned to so-called courses where there is no teacher. Others are being sent home to study.
The district and the state say they don’t have the money to take care of this issue. So, it is being taken up in superior court in Alameda County, where a judge ordered the state to fix the problem. That’s where the $1.1 million deal comes in to play.
With that money, the LAUSD board wants to extend the school day at Jefferson High School 30 minutes for 124 days so students can make up the learning time they lost. They also want to add classes and funding to support students and add student transportation services to the school.
They’re going to look into next semester’s curriculum to make sure this doesn’t happen again and also look into the issue of overcrowded classrooms at the school.