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Lawsuit filed in New York takes after Vergara ruling

LA School Report | July 29, 2014

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EdWeekVia Edweek | by Stephen Sawchuck

A second lawsuit challenging New York laws governing teacher tenure, layoffs, and dismissals has been filed on behalf of seven schoolchildren in the state.

The suit, modeled on the successful Vergara v. California lawsuit in California, argues that those protections are depriving pupils of their constitutional right in New York to a “sound basic education” because they make it nearly impossible to fire an ineffective or incompetent teacher.

Filed in the state Supreme Court, in the county of Albany, Wright v. New York names as defendants the state; the Board of Regents, which oversees elementary and secondary education; the chairman of the Board of Regents, Merryl Tisch; and state education Commissioner John King. It is being spearheaded by the Partnership for Educational Justice, a nonprofit set up by Campbell Brown, a former news anchor.

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