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Today the Los Angeles Unified School Board tackles a hefty agenda that includes hammering out details of next year’s budget in a meeting that could extend late into the evening.
While there’s no vote on the budget until early summer, the board has been hearing from community and labor groups on how to allocate new money from the state. Superintendent John Deasy submitted his version of the budget last month and will provide further details today.
The meeting begins at 1 o’clock. The board has designated unlimited public comment to start at 4:30 pm, with each speaker given a limit of two minutes. One group sent volunteers at 6 am to pick up speaker cards, assuring community members a place at the podium later.
Among the items on today’s agenda is discussion on spending $190 million in bond money for technological upgrades at district schools, $50 million dollar disaster data backup and recovery plan as well as public notice for new collective bargaining contracts with labor groups. The board will also decide on the fate of a number of Charter schools, including the future of CHAMPS, which faces uncertainty after an administrator used school funds personal use.
The board agenda is here.
The supporting materials are here.
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