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Morning Read: Budget Plan Discussions Postponed

LA School Report | June 5, 2013

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LAUSD Board Postpones Discussion About Budget Plans to Next Board Meeting
L.A. Unified School District board members on Tuesday postponed until June 18 its discussion about two proposals for use of new state funding, but that didn’t keep parents and representatives from teachers union from using the public comments portion of the meeting to let board members know their thoughts about using new funds. KPCC

See also LA Daily News, LA Times, LA School Report

California Could Get $350 million for Preschool Under Federal Proposal
California could nearly double its spending on public preschool with an influx of federal funding if the president’s proposal to significantly increase the money available for early childhood programs passes Congress, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Education on Tuesday. EdSource

Online Education Bill Passes in State Senate Despite Opposition
California state senators unanimously passed a controversial online education bill on Thursday that creates a grant program for faculty at the state’s higher education institutions to develop online courses. The Daily Californian 

Phil Bryant: Mothers in the Workplace Prompted Educational Problems
Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant (R) said Tuesday that the country’s problems with education began when mothers “got in the workplace” in large numbers. During a Washington Post Live event on children’s literacy, Bryant was asked why the country’s state of education had become so “mediocre.” Huffington Post/CBS News 

Education Bill Rewrite Would Protect Gay Students
Buried in the proposed rewrite of the nation’s massive education law are protections for gay and lesbian students that its supporters liken to the landmark 1972 protections for the rights of female athletes in high school and college. Columbus Ledger 

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