Morning Read: Local Superintendents Like New Funding Formula
LA School Report | June 12, 2013
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New K-12 Funding Formula Gets Thumbs Up from Local School Superintendents
A compromise deal that would overhaul the funding system for California’s public schools was hailed Tuesday by education leaders who said it would channel more money to all districts, even in well-to-do suburbs, and give a bigger financial boost to those with large numbers of disadvantaged students. LA Daily News
See also: LA School Report, LA Times
Former Simi Valley Teacher Accused of Sex with Student
A former Simi Valley elementary school teacher was expected to be charged on Wednesday for an alleged sexual relationship with a student under 14 years old. Malia Brooks, 32, was arrested on Tuesday on allegations of lewd acts on a child and four other sex-related counts, according to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department. KTLA
Downtown Charter School Plans Fall Debut
The effort to bring an elementary charter school to Downtown and appeal to the rising crowd of local loft residents continues to move forward. Officials with Metro Charter Elementary announced that a principal, Maricela Barragan, has been hired and applications are being accepted for the school year that starts in September. LA Downtown News
Graduation Ceremony at Santa Monica College Begins with Tribute to Victims of Shooting Rampage
Santa Monica College held its graduation ceremony Tuesday night, just four days after a bloody shooting spree ended at the school’s library. As the last few students took their seats on the football field, Santa Monica College President Chui Tsang approached the podium. KPCC
See also: CBS News, Huffington Post, NBC News
Study: Real World Learning Helps Online Grades; Few Students Complete Online Courses
Online courses benefit from real world studying.Students who take online courses perform better when they spend time studying outside the virtual classroom, according to a study by MIT and Harvard researchers. KPCC
Tech, Education Leaders Talk STEM Challenges
Education and tech leaders on Wednesday lauded the Obama administration’s efforts to open the science, technology, engineering and math fields to more students — but said the resource challenges in underfunded schools remain a major hurdle. Politico
Michael Kirst, Father of New School Funding Formula, Looks Back and at the Work Ahead
Michael Kirst is relishing the all-but-certain passage later this week of the comprehensive school funding reform that he co-designed. That was five years ago, and, after many twists and iterations, the final version, negotiated over the weekend by Gov. Jerry Brown, Assembly Speaker John Pérez, D-Los Angeles, and Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, ended up quite like the one published in April 2008. EdSource
Don’t Buy the Hype, College Education Is Not An Investment
Opinion: In their book Academically Adrift, sociologists Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa concluded that more than a third of recent college graduates had coasted through without adding anything to their human capital. Reports that employers often find graduates applying for jobs to be weak in basic skills are numerous. Forbes