Morning Read: For Today, Everything is Coming up Deasy
LA School Report | October 29, 2013
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Advice for LA Superintendent John Deasy: Should he stay or should he go?
At stake is leadership of the second-largest school district in the U.S., a sprawling system of more than 677,000 students, beset by a litany of crisis, including budget shortfalls, intense board politics, tougher academic standards, a troubled one-to-one Ipad initiative and a teachers union where 91 percent of members proclaimed to have no confidence in Deasy’s leadership. Hechinger Report
LAUSD needs Deasy
Editorial: It’s unclear whether Deasy really intends to resign in frustration or whether, in fact, he expects to be fired at his performance evaluation Tuesday — which would be an astoundingly bad mistake on the part of the board. LA Times
LAUSD’s Deasy should continue his reform effort
Editorial: Less than three years after John Deasy came to Los Angeles to fight the good fight for education reform and better classroom performance, it is disappointing to learn the L.A. Unified School District superintendent may no longer be up for that fight. LA Daily News
L.A. schools improved, but Deasy fell short of ambitious goals
On the eve of discussions over his future, Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy can count on broad support from the civic elite, but by his own yardsticks, his performance fell notably short this year. LA Times
Coming of age in California and the need to prepare young people for good work
Commentary: New reports that 15 percent of American young people are neither in school nor working have grabbed national headlines. Here in California, I hope they grab us by the throat. In the cities of Los Angeles and Riverside, more than 100,000 teens and young adults ages 16 to 24 are idling on the margins of our economy. Sacramento Bee
Warily, schools watch students on the internet
For years, a school principal’s job was to make sure students were not creating a ruckus in the hallways or smoking in the bathroom. Vigilance ended at the schoolhouse gates. Now, as students complain, taunt and sometimes cry out for help on social media, educators have more opportunities to monitor students around the clock. New York Times
Calif. GOP garners donations from unions
The California Teachers Association donated $10,000, and the Service Employees International Union pitched in $15,000 for the Republican gathering, where – in a move that suggested a newly conciliatory approach – an SEIU leader even posed for pictures with a GOP blogger critical of public-employee unions. SF Chronicle
Critics see risks in use of bonds for school tech projects
As school districts across the country seek to implement costly, large-scale technology projects, a growing number of them are asking voters for approval to go into debt to pay for that work, through the issuance of long-term bonds. EdWeek