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Morning Read: Agreement Possible for CA-Feds Testing

LA School Report | November 4, 2013

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State Board executive director optimistic on testing conflict
Despite a threatening letter last week from an assistant secretary of the federal Department of Education, the executive director of the State Board of Education is expressing confidence that the state will reach an agreement over standardized testing next spring to avoid tens of millions of dollars in federal penalties. EdSource

Common Core transition plays to strengths of California’s charter schools
Challenged by lower per-pupil funding, second-hand facilities and sometimes lacking district support, California charter schools have traditionally needed a go-it-alone mentality. But as public schools here transition to common national curriculum standards, those highly-honed bootstrapping skills are proving critical. SI&A Cabinet Report 

Charter school on Westside creates extra traffic, ruffling neighbors
When a privately run charter school opened in August on the campus of a traditional elementary school, a Westside neighborhood suddenly found itself inundated with traffic during morning drop-off and afternoon pickup, one resident recalled. LA Times

Common Core’s promise collides with IEP realities
One of the most promising elements of common academic standards for students with disabilities, say experts in special education, is that they offer explicit connections from one set of skills to another. That is particularly important for students served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. EdWeek

Anatomy of a 6,000-hour deficit
By the time a child from a low-income family reaches sixth grade, he or she has spent an estimated 6,000 fewer hours learning than a peer from a wealthy household. How did researchers come up with 6,000 hours? Hechinger Report

Proposition 30: California schools seeing benefits of tax measure
A year ago today, Californians were still locked in a fierce battle over Proposition 30, Gov. Jerry Brown’s ballot initiative that raised income taxes on the wealthy and the sales tax on everyone. But today, few Californians are arguing that Proposition 30, which to the surprise of many political observers sailed to an easy victory in last year’s Nov. 6 election, hasn’t been a good thing for the state. San Jose Mercury News

Supt. Deasy’s style could make or break his legacy in L.A. Unified

Commentary: The Los Angeles school board made the right move, blunting Supt. Deasy’s threat to leave with a contract that keeps him here until 2016. Deasy’s not perfect, but he’d be hard to replace. He’s become a hero to civic leaders, who credit his vision and passion with moving the school system forward. LA Times

Adopting regs, State Board should keep an eye on the prize
Commentary: We have long advocated for a system with greater transparency, accountability and coherence that would invest in the achievement of all students to generate an educated citizenry and skilled workforce. This is key to California’s prosperity, growth and well-being. EdSource

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