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Morning Read: Most Districts Returning to Pre-Recession Funding

LA School Report | June 26, 2013

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Budget Detail Shows Almost all Districts Returning to Prerecession Funding Levels
Under terms of what’s being called a “compromise” on Brown’s Local Control Funding Formula, districts will receive an average of about $537 more per student than was proposed in May by the governor. SI&A Cabinet Report 

LAUSD Launches Website to Explain Miramonte Sex-Abuse Settlement Offers
The website,, is aimed at providing “factual information” about the $17 million the district offered earlier this month to settle 35 additional claims filed by students who say they were molested by former teachers. LA Daily News 

L.A. Unified Presses Families to Settle Miramonte Abuse Claims
Alleged victims of abuse at Miramonte Elementary have until July 5 to accept recent settlement offers from the Los Angeles Unified School District, officials said Tuesday. LA Times 

See also KPCC

LAUSD Summer School Expects Full House for Limited Courses
All 5,100 seats in Los Angeles Unified School District’s summer school program have been snapped up by high schoolers needing to make up a failed class, with a wait list not available until classes start July 8, officials said. LA Daily News 

Schools Would be Required to Track Anti-Gay Bullying Under New Federal Proposal
For the first time, the federal education department is proposing that schools collect data about anti-gay bullying in its biennial survey of civil rights compliance on school campuses, a move advocates said could drive policies to reduce bullying and improve school climate. EdSource 

Inactive School Districts Face Losing Millions in State Support for Construction
Time is running short for a number of California school districts with approval to build or upgrade facilities but which have yet to claim the millions set aside for their projects under the state’s school construction program. SI&A Cabinet Report

Attorneys Call for LAUSD to ID Teachers ‘Credibly Accused’ of Abuse
Attorneys representing dozens of students whose families have filed lawsuits against the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) over alleged molestations by teachers were expected Wednesday to push for sweeping policy changes to the district. CBS News 

UC Davis Wins Grant to Redesign Core STEM Courses
The school announced today that it was the only school in California to win a $500,000 grant to support its science, technology, engineering and mathematics teaching. More than half of the school’s 25,000 undergraduates major in one of those fields. KPCC 

Should News Organizations Publish Teachers’ Value-Added Ratings?
The Cleveland Plain Dealer just published the “value-added” ratings of teachers that purport to show how effective a teacher is or isn’t. The Los Angeles Times did something similar in 2010 and 2011, and so did The New York Times in 2012.  In every case the newspapers came under heavy criticism. Washington Post (opinion)

State Board OKs USC Control of Coliseum and its Revenues
A state board voted Tuesday to approve a sharply debated deal that grants USC control of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and nearly all of the revenues from the taxpayer-owned stadium for the next century. LA Times 

Affirmative-Action Ruling Could Complicate Diversity Efforts
The U.S. Supreme Court’s modest decision in a high-profile college affirmative-action case is being welcomed by educators from K-12 through higher education as a reaffirmation of racial diversity as a compelling educational interest. EdWeek 

‘Amplifying’ Education’s Value
The latest edition of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s “Education at a Glance” report highlights the relationship between educational attainment and employment, finding that the gap in employment rates between those with high and low levels of education widened during the recession. Inside Higher Ed 

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