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Enrollment in new teacher programs down 33 percent since recession hit SI&A Cabinet Report: Of the teachers that are being trained, half come out of the California State University system with 43 percent graduating from a private or independent university and the remaining 7 percent from the University of California, according to the CTC report.
LAUSD officials scramble to find money for San Pedro Science Center Long Beach Press-Telegram: With district funding gone, Los Angeles school officials are scrambling to find money from other sources to keep the San Pedro Science Center open.
If Principals Can Do It, Why Can’t We? Huffington Post (opinion): Following the lead of our principals, the next step should be launching a better teacher evaluation and support system for retaining our irreplaceable teachers, helping those who struggle and putting student achievement first.
Cal State administrators accused of crossing line in Prop. 30 advocacy KPCC: Cal State system chancellor Charles Reed told members of CSU’s finance committee that the university needs to raise undergraduate tuition by 5% in case Proposition 30 – a tax increase for education measure – fails at the polls in November.
Brown and Munger both want to raise taxes to help schools – – but differ on approach Sacramento Bee: If Gov. Jerry Brown and civil rights attorney Molly Munger agree on one thing, it’s that California needs to raise taxes to give schools more money.
Aging, polluting school buses remain on Calif. roads California Watch: Unlike many states, California does not require bus owners to take buses off the road after a set number of years. As a result, California has some of the oldest buses in the nation.