Morning Read: Brown administration seeks to dethrone API
LA School Report | August 1, 2014
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Brown administration looks to diminish influence of API
Move over API. You’re not the top dog for determining school success anymore, the president of the state’s Board of Education said this week. S&I Cabinet Report
Half of the nation’s children have suffered trauma, report says
A report out this week finds that just under half of the nation’s children have lived through at least one traumatic experience – most commonly, financial hardships. It’s part of a national look at early chronic stress in children’s lives compiled by the research institute Child Trends. KPCC
Schools set to adjust to revamped E-rate policies
The Federal Communications Commission’s recent makeover of the E-rate program is billed as a step toward transforming the fund from one focused on supporting 1990s-era telecommunication tools to one that accommodates 21st-century technologies. Edweek
Importance of talking to infants now on TV
This new spotlight on early childhood development in pop culture is no accident. Writers from both shows were approached by and worked with staff from the Too Small to Fail initiative, which is focused on spreading the message that talking to children in the early years is a key to future school success. EdSource