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Morning Read: Brown, lawmakers agree on record K-12 budget

Craig Clough | June 17, 2015

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Budget deal confirms record K-12 spending
After years of cuts in education funding following the recession, the $68.4 billion for Prop. 98 in the coming year is a remarkable turnaround. Ed Source

Do iPads belong in schools?
Incorporating iPads and other low cost computers into the classroom have become central to extending the reach and quantific logic of standardized testing. Forbes

Banner year for Long Beach program celebrating male graduates of color
At Jordan High, a noticeable gap separated the 77 percent graduation rate of African-Americans and the 82 percent rate for the entire Class of 2014. KPCC

Is the ‘app mentality’ killing students’ creativity?
Today’s youth are not just immersed in apps, but they view their lives as a string of ordered apps. The Journal

California experiences another significant drop in adolescent births
California’s adolescent birth rate has continued to decline to a record low of 23.2 births per 1,000 females aged 15-19. Lake County News

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