Morning Read: CA Looking to Streamline Spending Plan
LA School Report | January 21, 2014
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State looks to trim list of school plans required
After a marathon hearing and a surprise visit by the governor last week, members of the CA State Board of Education are not expected to make any major changes to a set of temporary regulations governing use of billions in new state money for schools during the coming year-long process to set permanent rules. SI&A Cabinet Report
Common Core standards bring dramatic changes to elementary math
Teaching elementary school math just got trickier, or at least deeper. The new Common Core State Standards require students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of math concepts, which means teachers will have to change how they teach those concepts too. EdSource
Growing pains for Rocketship’s blended-learning juggernaut
One classroom, 109 children. For the next 40 minutes, half the 4th graders here at Rocketship Sí Se Puede Academy, a charter elementary school in a low-slung building nestled below Highway 680, will be split between the language arts and mathematics sections of the large room, working with two-dozen similarly skilled classmates and a credentialed teacher. EdWeek
Early-college high school graduates more likely to get degree
New research confirms that getting a head start earning college credit in high school pays off. The multi-year study finds that students in early-college high schools were much more likely to enroll in and complete college than their peers in traditional high schools. Hechinger Report
Extending the school day is a lot harder than it seems
For decades, children here had one of the shortest elementary school days in the country. Students of all ages were in class fewer days than their peers not only nationally but also in much of the developed world. The Atlantic