Morning Read: Half of Crenshaw Teachers Asked to Return
LA School Report | May 31, 2013
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Most Crenshaw High Teachers Being Displaced in LAUSD Reorganization
The school is being split into three magnets in an effort to boost test scores and reduce the number of dropouts. Only 29 of the school’s 62 teachers were asked to return next year. LA Times
LAUSD Students Share HIV/STD Statuses Via Text Message
The Los Angeles Unified School District is taking part in a program to educate middle and high school students about how to share their HIV and STD statuses with their cell phones. CBS2
Arts Classes Growing in Some Districts — or at Least Shrinking More Slowly Than Other Courses
Arts education in some Los Angeles County school districts may actually be growing , according to a story from the online arts news site Classicalite. KPCC
New Student Testing in Common Core Cleared to Officially Begin in 2015
Legislative action Thursday clears the way for California schools to begin statewide student testing based on the new common core curriculum beginning in the spring of 2015. SI&A Cabinet Report
Senate Version of School Funding Restructuring Moves to Assembly
The state Senate Thursday set the stage for a confrontation with Gov. Jerry Brown by moving an alternative to his school funding plan on a bipartisan vote of 30 to six. SI&A Cabinet Report
Bill Would Require School Districts to Clarify the Role of Campus Police
Unlike most school safety legislation introduced after the Newtown shootings, which called for increased security measures and beefing up school police forces, a bill by one California assemblyman takes a different tack: It seeks to limit the police role on school campuses. Ed Source