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• State schools suspend students at higher rates than rest of nation: A new report from UCLA says states and districts differ greatly in how frequently they suspend students. LAUSD ranks 63rd out of nation’s biggest school districts. San Bernardino ranked 15th. LAT
• Do Anti-Bullying Laws Help? California lawmakers will ask for a state audit on the effectiveness of anti-bullying laws and if they actually help gay students. More than 200,000 students in California are harassed each year because they are gay. KPCC
• Freedom School Offers Alternative to Budget-Slashed LAUSD Summer School: At least 95% of LA Unified summer schools were cancelled due to budget cuts. And so a Children Defense Fund program is filling the void (ABC 7).
More news inside.
• Legislature Taking Notice of School Insolvency: A staggering 188 educational agencies are at risk of not meeting their financial obligations this year or the next. SI&A Cabinet Report
• DFER Calls on Legislature to Reconsider AB 1530: The California chapter of Democrats for Education Reform is calling on the State Assembly to reconsider SB 1530, the Alex Padilla-sponsored bill that would make it easier to fire teachers accused of the most egregious misconduct, such as sexual abuse. SB 1530 was approved by the Senate but fell one vote shy of making it out of committee in the Assembly, after a couple of Democrats simply didn’t show up. Highland News