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Deasy and New Board Member Ratliff Laud Teacher Report
Both were responding to recommendations in two reports developed by a small group of L.A.-area teachers under the guidance of Educators4Excellence, an advocacy group funded by influential national nonprofits including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation. LA Times
See also: LA School Report
LA Unified Philanthropy Taps Wealthy Angelinos for Projects Near to Superintendent’s Heart
The Los Angeles Fund for Public Education was created two years ago to tap wealthy, high-profile donors to help the mostly low-income kids in Los Angeles Unified School District. KPCC
LAUSD Students Awarded Cars, iPads for Excellent Attendance
Officials credited the incentives for an uptick in attendance, and said they’re working to line up sponsors to repeat the challenge next year. Daily News
State Board Handed Job of Defining Rules of New Funding System
Senate Bill 91, the 178-page “trailer” bill containing statutory changes for Gov. Brown’s Local Control Funding Formula, was released Thursday, one day before lawmakers must vote on the $96 billion state budget that includes funding for the new system. Ed Source
Study Gauges Value of Technology in Schools
With school districts rushing to buy computers, tablets, digital white boards and other technology, a new report questions whether the investment is worth it. New York Times