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Garcia Leads in Fundraising for L.A. School Board
Financial data released Thursday show that Monica Garcia raised $174,288 last year, far outdistancing the combined total of four challengers vying to unseat her. LA Times
Southern California Schools to Benefit From Gov. Jerry Brown’s Budget
California’s public schools are the big winners in Gov. Jerry Brown’s “breakthrough” budget plan, with education leaders saying they hope to have the money to restore many of the public services gutted by years of recession. LA Daily News, KPCC
With More Money to Spend, Brown Launches K-12 Funding Reform
Gov. Jerry Brown yesterday proposed an unfamiliar budget for public education in the state – one with actual increases. EdSource
In CA, Standardized Teacher Evaluations Trip Over Wealth Gap
As California tries to come up with a more robust way of evaluating teachers, the biggest hurdle could be something educators don’t have any control over: the state’s increasing socioeconomic disparities. La Opinion/New American Media
L.A.’s Economy Depends on Higher Education
Education attainment — or lack thereof — is poised to singlehandedly decide our economic future. LA Daily News Op-Ed
Early Childhood Funding Stays Flat in Governor’s Budget
After years of funding cuts to early childhood programs, Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed budget would keep funding levels nearly the same as last year. EdSource
College Admission May Get Easier as Ranks of High School Graduates Drop
High school graduates will face less competition for college admission in the next decade due to a demographic decline in their ranks, according to a report on education enrollment trends released Wednesday. LA Times
Brown Contemplates Withdrawing From School Construction Funding
With one hand, Gov. Jerry Brown gave school facility managers the proposed benefit of $450 million generated by the closing of tax loopholes from the passage of Proposition 39 in November. But with the other hand, the governor raised the specter of the state leaving altogether its traditional role as a funding partner in school construction projects overall. SI&A Cabinet Report
Suspension, Expulsion Data Cast Harsh Light on Some Schools
An Education Week analysis of data collected by the U.S. Department of Education illustrates the wide variation in how schools use out-of-school suspension and expulsion to discipline students. It also calls into question the validity of the data for some schools. EdWeek