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Morning Read: 100,000 Charter Students

Hillel Aron | November 15, 2012

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Los Angeles Tops Nation in Charter School Enrollment
More students from Los Angeles Unified attend charter schools than from any other district in America – by far. Nearly one out of seven LAUSD students now attend charters. Ed Source

Deasy’s $17.5M Request for Computer Tablet Funds Nixed
The panel that oversees spending of Los Angeles Unified’s bond revenue on Wednesday refused Superintendent John Deasy’s request for nearly $17.5 million to jump-start the purchase of computer tablets for every student. Daily News

See also LA Times

Can Kate Anderson, Mom of Twins, Fix LAUSD?
Preventing the Westside school board member’s re-election to the powerful Los Angeles Unified School Board in March is one of the top priorities for a group of well-funded activists, often dubbed reformers, who want additional charter schools and tougher teacher evaluations in which the students’ achievements — i.e., test scores — are taken into account. LA Weekly

Twenty-one CA Districts Apply for Controversial Federal Grant
Twenty-one California school districts and educational consortiums have applied for a $400 million federal grant program that has been strongly opposed by many teachers unions. LA Times

Analysis Shows Differences in Teacher Effectiveness in LAUSD
In Los Angeles Unified, novice teachers tend to be assigned students who are academically farther behind those assigned to experienced teachers. Before they depart, usually after only two years, Teach for America teachers have a bigger impact on students than that of other new teachers. And National Board Certified teachers significantly outperform other teachers in LAUSD. Ed Source

More from SI&A Cabinet Report

Cheerful Economic Outlook for California
In as rosy an economic forecast as California has received in more than a decade, the non-partisan Legislative Analyst predicted Wednesday lawmakers would be in a position to not only meet ongoing K-12 education needs over the next five years but also to pay down some $13 billion in debt obligations owed schools. SI&A Cabinet Report

More from Ed Source

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