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Morning Read: LAUSD board to weigh Broad charter-expansion plan

LA School Report | November 9, 2015

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LA Board of Education will weigh Broad charter-expansion plan
A measure sponsored by board member Scott Schmerelson calls for the district to go on record against the massive charter expansion plan.
Los Angeles Times, by Howard Blume

California legislative committee probes shortcomings in arts education
California’s education code mandates art instruction for first through 12th-graders. Few schools live up to these requirements and many are not aware that they exist.
KPCC, by Priska Neely

Walton foundation gives $50 million to Teach For America 
Nationwide, the Walton grant will support 4,000 TFA instructors over the next three years.
Los Angeles Times, by Howard Blume

State board encourages creativity in summarizing accountability plans
Members of the State Board of Education are encouraging school districts to make burgeoning Local Control and Accountability Plans more reader-friendly.
EdSource, by John Fensterwald and Michael Collier

What’s next for Michelle Rhee, once the national face of education activism?
The combative former D.C. public schools chancellor who founded the national advocacy group StudentsFirst has retreated recently from public view.
Sacramento Bee, by Christopher Cadelago

Police in schools: Keeping kids safe, or arresting them for no good reason?
The violent arrest of a South Carolina high school student in class last month has triggered new scrutiny of the nation’s school resource officers.
Washington Post, by Emma Brown


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