Morning Read: On a bus tour, UTLA calls for class size reduction
LA School Report | April 15, 2015
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UTLA conducts bus tour to rally for better education
UTLA conducted a bus tour of Los Angeles Unified School District schools Tuesday where they say there are unacceptable learning and teaching conditions. ABC7
Home bound students use robot to virtually participate in LAUSD classes
Students with special needs Tuesday demonstrated how new technology allows for virtual participation within classroom and social settings. CBS Los Angeles
‘We were all anticipating the challenges’ of Common Core
EdSource is conducting a series of interviews featuring educators’ experiences with the Common Core State Standards. Ed Source
The odd thing Arne Duncan told Congress
The discussion was about VAM, the value-added method of evaluation in which student standardized test scores are used to evaluate teachers Washington Post
Arts educators seek helping hand, straight from your tax form
For the second year in a row, Californians have a chance to support arts education funding while filing their taxes. KPCC
3 reasons Chromebooks are shining in education
For districts looking to get the most bang for their ed tech buck, devices that fall somewhere between tablets and traditional laptops can be the right fit. The Journal