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Commentary: Predictions of what to expect on education horizon in 2016
2016 will be interesting and intense. Here are nine big issues to follow in 2016, with my predictions about whether anything will change during the year.
EdSource, by John Fensterwald
At the 10th largest school system, a violent threat comes every other day
In Fairfax County, the schools receive about 100 threats annually, about one every other day in the academic year.
Washington Post, by T. Rees Shapiro
NYC teachers could see paid parental leave next year
On Monday, Mayor Bill de Blasio said he will move to offer city employees six weeks of guaranteed paid parental leave.
Chalkbeat New York
California cities look at subsidized housing to stem teacher shortages
School districts that have long struggled to staff classrooms with teachers are considering buying or building rent-subsidized apartments.
Associated Press, by Lisa Leff
Local waterways serve as science ‘classrooms’
Solano County’s creeks and waterways – the 116,000-acre Suisun Marsh included – have become outdoor classrooms for teaching local students.
Cabinet Report, by Kimberly Beltran
Duncan discusses gun violence in final speech as education secretary
Arne Duncan used his last speech as U.S. Education Secretary to draw attention to violence that claims the lives of thousands of children each year.
Washington Post, by Emma Brown