Morning Read: Restoring Title 1 Funding Cuts in LA Unfied
LA School Report | November 11, 2013
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LAUSD board to consider change in poverty-aid funding
Just two years ago, students at the Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies could get homework help, take college-prep classes, go on after-school field trips, visit the school nurse — services funded by federal money earmarked for educating low-income youngsters. Today, those programs have been scaled back or eliminated altogether. LA Daily News
School accountability update baffles CA’s Ed Board
While it appears almost certain that the state’s elementary and middle schools will not be subjected to evaluation under the state’s Academic Performance Index for the next two years, the jury is still out on high schools following inaction by the state board on the issue last week. SI&A Cabinet Report
Music on the move: teacher serves 350 LA Unified students
Linda Mouradian’s morning often goes like this: she fishes through a packed supply closet to grab some extra reeds for woodwinds, refills a candy bag, and pulls a load of laundry out of the dryer – not of clothes, but cleaning rags to wipe off white boards. Then Mouradian piles it all into the trunk of her car, where she keeps a cart filled with sheet music and other supplies. KPCC
Signs of balkanization in L.A. Unified
Opinion: A potentially disturbing new phenomenon has cropped up a couple of times at recent Los Angeles Unified school board meetings. It’s not about the usual reform advocates vs. the board members aligned with the teachers union. It’s about whether this an overarching seven-member body that sees to the needs of all students, or a gathering of individual representatives who want to rule over their own electoral districts. LA Times
The LA Times trolls innocent teachers
The once respectable Los Angeles Times is leveraging its dwindling platform to attack individual teachers under the guise of data transparency. The editorial board won a court case allowing them to use a highly contentious, self-designed algorithm to rank the best and worst teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Tech Crunch
When policymakers don’t understand basic statistics
Imagine, if you will, that the Stuarts have two children, Kylie and Frederick. Kylie was born in 1997 and Frederick was born in 2001, both in Toledo, Ohio. The Stuarts measure Kylie’s height when she reaches the spring of fourth grade, in 2007, and learn that she is 52” tall, or 4’4”. Hechinger Report