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Deal Likely on School Finance Reform, Steinberg Says
The Senate has dropped its call for a year’s delay in implementing Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan for sweeping K-12 finance reform, making it likely a deal over Brown’s Local Control Funding Formula will be struck in the next few days, Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg said Thursday. Ed Source
No Agreement Yet on How to Hold Districts Accountable for New State Money
With time running out to work on details of the Local Control Funding Formula, negotiators from the Assembly, Senate and the governor’s office have yet to agree on what, when and how districts should be judged. Ed Source
Funding Reform Worries Potential ‘Loser’ Schools Within ‘Winning’ Districts
Parents there are worried that their schools may be left behind, unable to afford essential programs and services, from summer school to physical education teachers, that other schools in the district will have. Ed Source
Galatzan Polls Parents, Teachers on School Staffing Levels
Because of concerns that schools with relatively low numbers of disadvantaged students might be short-changed, Galatzan is trying to determine basic staffing levels that campuses would need to survive. The survey is at Galatzan’s website, Daily News
Legislation Being Considered That Would Subject Charter Schools to Disclosure Laws
Charter schools would be subject to the same open meeting and disclosure laws as traditional public schools and other local government agencies under a bill now pending in the state Senate. SI&A Cabinet Report
‘Old time’ Video Teaches Tricky Commencement Custom
The years of classes are over, the dissertations are approved and the diplomas are ready. Now don’t mess up while placing a colorful “doctoral” hood around your students’ necks during graduation ceremonies. LA Times (Larry Gordon)
The Epidemic That’s Threatening Our Future. And How Los Angeles Unified School District Is Determined to Reverse It
The district cut suspensions nearly in half since they initiated common sense reforms and has also seen higher attendance and improved test scores. The new policy will spread proven alternatives to suspension including restorative practices more broadly throughout the district. Huffington Post (Zimmer, Garcia, and Ross)