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• Deasy’s Big Speech: Lots of coverage of Superintendent John Deasy’s big speech to school administrators. LA Times, Daily News, CBS, NBC, La Opinion.
• Building a Better LAUSD: To complement Deasy’s speech, LAUSD produced a feel-good promotional video. Vimeo
• Rally Calls For Fewer Police Citations Of LAUSD Students: 50 students, teachers and community activists performed street theater and installed public art outside LAUSD headquarters on Beaudry yesterday to protest the record number of police citations given to students. LA School Police Chief Steven Zipperman has said he plans on reducing the number of citations by 75%. LA Times
• Gloria Romero: Assembly Democrats are too cowardly to vote: Romero exhorts former colleagues to stand up to unions and other critics of SB1530. San Gabriel Valley Tribune
• LAUSD Negotiates Revisions to Teacher Evaluations: Key dates for the new evaluations are September 4 and December 4. EGP News