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• Summer Ends Early For LAUSD Students: School starts in exactly one week! That’s three weeks earlier than it used to start for LAUSD. That’s because the district just moved to an “early-start” calendar, with the first semester ending at winter break, giving kids three weeks off around Christmas. Daily News
• Cal State Cuts Transfers: California State University will severely limit the number of transfer students in 2013, in order to keep enrollment down. The move will mostly harm Community College students who have not yet earned Associate Degrees. KPCC
• Millions of Children Find Schoolhouse Door Locked: A new study by the UCLA Center for Civil Rights Remedies looks at K-12 suspension rates across the country and finds that 17% of African American students received an “out-of-school suspension,” compared with 5% of white kids and and 7% of Latinos. Civil Rights Project