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Elections Deal a Blow to L.A. Unions
The defeat of Wendy Greuel and other candidates who received heavy financial support from labor is a loss but not a fatal one, observers say. LA Times
Jerry Brown’s Political Reboot
In his reprise as governor, he’s been as ruthlessly practical as he’s been reflective, embracing his inner politician to restore the California dream. The Atlantic
San Jose Teachers, Board Adopt Landmark Teacher Evaluation System
Bucking a national trend, the new system will not use standardized test scores as a direct measure of performance. Ed Source
Arts in Schools: Unusual Charters Use Dance, String Instruments to Motivate Students
Renaissance Arts is one of a handful of charter schools in L.A. Unified that are using arts not to create the next generation of artists, but to inspire regular students to stay in school. KPCC
A Teaching Approach For Slow Learners Gaining Wide Appeal
Want to help your kids improve their reading skills over the summer? You may want to try a teaching approach designed three decades ago for slow readers – educators are having success using it with all students. KPCC