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Morning Read: UTLA wants MiSiS meeting with Torlakson, Cortines

LA School Report | March 25, 2015

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Teachers union calls for MiSiS meeting with LAUSD, state superintendent
UTLA’s president called for LA Unified’s superintendent to travel with him to Sacramento and explain the MiSiS crisis to California’s top education chief. Pasadena Star News

Parents meet with LAUSD over teacher’s alleged racist comments
Many upset were that the teacher was removed from the classroom over accusations they say have not yet been proven. NBC Los Angeles

Why is it so hard to fire bad teachers?
The heart of the issue for firing bad teachers most recently was the focus of a court case in California. The Cheat Sheet

Smarter Balanced interim assessments delayed for most students
The interim assessments were supposed to give students a way to rehearse for the Smarter Balanced assessments. Ed Source

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California’s new school climate reporting mandates are part of a sweeping restructuring of the funding and accountability of the state’s school system. SI&A Cabinet Report

As market surges, schools struggle to find the best tech products
Technology-infused classrooms are popping up around the country. The Hechinger Report

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