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Morning Read: What teachers will learn from Common Core tests

LA School Report | September 9, 2015

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Teachers, too, will learn a lot from new tests
The state is gradually rolling out the Online Reporting System, a web-based tool that will enable teachers and principals to easily analyze their students’ results. EdSource

After a string of suicides, students in Palo Alto are demanding change
In response to recent tragedies, the national media and school administration turned the deaths into a referendum on the schools’ culture of achievement. VICE

Editorial: LAUSD won a lawsuit — but lost the moral high ground
Any expert on sexual abuse could tell the district’s lawyers why a 14-year-old cannot be held responsible for a sexual relationship with an adult. Los Angeles Times

CA rejects claim against teacher involved in LAUSD case
A man waited too long to seek damages from LA Unified for sexual misconduct by his now-imprisoned teacher, the Court of Appeal ruled. Metropolitan News Company

Providing privacy for breast-feeding mothers on campus
A bill requiring schools to provide space for students to nurse an infant or pump and store breast milk was sent to Gov. Jerry Brown. SI&A Cabinet Report

Seattle teachers go on strike; superintendent is going to court
Seattle teachers will be on strike Wednesday, which was supposed to be the first day of school. Seattle Times

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