Morning Read: What’s behind the low math scores in California?
LA School Report | October 14, 2015
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Educators try to come to terms with low math scores on Smarter Balanced tests
Only one-third of California students in grades 3-8 and grade 11 met the math standard – compared to 44 percent of students who met the standard in English.
EdSource, by Fermin Leal
‘Redskins’ ban angers fans of California schools still using the mascot
In signing the bill Sunday, Gov. Jerry Brown made California the first state to ban a term that is now widely considered a slur against Native Americans.
Los Angeles Times, by Diana Marcum and Zahira Torres
SoCal schools say lack of money stopping TK expansion
Dean Tagawa, administrator of the LAUSD’s early education division, said the district opened 117 new sites to accommodate the TK new students.
KPCC, by Deepa Fernandes
Why American schools are recruiting more teachers from other countries
Growing demand for bilingual teachers is forcing local school districts to get creative in their recruiting.
Huffington Post, by Tim Henderson
Brown opens door to special ed services for struggling readers
AB 1369 is aimed at closing a hole in the state’s system for identifying students with dyslexia – a disability already defined in federal and state law.
Cabinet Report, by Tom Chorneau