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District 6 is an open seat, as current board member Nury Martinez is leaving the school board to run for City Council.

Iris Zuniga, Possible Board Candidate
Both UTLA and the education reform community are likely to pick candidates and dump money into independent expenditure campaigns supporting them. But who will they pick?
One possible candidate for ed reformers in District 6 is Iris Zuniga (pictured), the Chief Operating Officer of Youth Policy Institute, a large charter school operator. Its Executive Director, Dixon Slingerland, is very active in LAUSD politics, and YPI employees contribute a lot of money to local elections, according to the City Ethics Commission’s website.
Whoever runs will have to navigate the tricky terrain of Northeast Valley politics. covering the northeast San Fernando Valley, a region dominated by two political cliques.
Last but not least, one of the big open questions here is what will Nury Martinez do? Will she try and hand-pick a successor*? Some think that to do so would risk distracting her from her City Council race, since it could anger certain interest groups or factions.
Zuniga did not respond to my request for comment about her possible candidacy.
A second possibility sources mentioned is Alma Martinez, who currently works in the city attorney’s office**. She also has a 4-year-old in pre school. More about her to come.
*Note: A previous version of this sentence included the clause, “like Yolie Flores tried to do with Luis Sanchez.” Upon further consideration, it’s not clear that Sanchez was Flores’ handpicked successor, although some people allege that that was the case.
** A previous version of this post linked to the profile of a different Alma Martinez